Training of local political activists in preparation for the local elections in Serbia. In a three-part training, I worked with 25 locally engaged people on the topics of political communication, local election campaigning and psychological empowerment, in preparation for the next local elections in Serbia. The Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES) Belgrade has been represented in […]
Libya’s Political Party Youth Wings Build Leadership Skills
When Muammar Gaddafi’s 42-year autocratic rule came to an end in 2011, Libya turned its eye towards a new form of government, one in which the Libyan people’s interests would be represented under democratic principles. After decades of a government-enforced ban, political parties are emerging across Libya, giving Libyans the opportunity to organize their political […]
Libya: Consultancy and Trainings, Youth Leadership Academy
The National Democratic Institute Libya established already in 2013 a Youth Political Academy (under the lead of Ancuţa Hansen, Anis Elwillani and René Märtin) to engage the next generation of Libya’s political leaders. 2021, based on the concept of the time, supplemented by the experiences that NDI Libya has made with similar concepts in the […]
Albania: Consultancy for FES
Consultancy for FES in Albania: My consultancy is part of FES’s ongoing programs supporting the democratic transition process in Albania. In Albania, FES started its activities in 1991 with a conference on democracy and market economy. Democratic political institutions and the socio-economic development were and are the main topics of the activities. In cooperation with […]
Palestine: Party Organizing and Smart Communication
René Märtin from the German Empowerment Institute and Frederik Digulla, from Kiel visited FES Palestine from 23 October to 1 November 2017 to implement the FES workshop “Party Organizing and Smart Communications“. The workshop, which took place between 23 and 25 October, specifically targeted youth members of a democratic Party and gave them the chance […]